
Auto tracking of user profile changes

With Castle's APIs you've been able to pass user profile data, such as email and prone number, via the user object (See reference for more details) for quite some time now. These traits can provide great help when chasing down fraudsters, especially in combination with Policies where you can use them to trigger custom workflows, such as additional verification.

Today, we're launching automatic change detection of these traits. This means that whenever the value of any user trait changes, it'll be detected and highlighted in the Dashboard. Just look for the bell icon next to the event name in the Explore view:


The bell icon indicates that a user trait has changed

There is also a new filter available to help you find all events where a user trait has changed, any or a specific one:


Search events where the user traits changed

The automatic change detection + these two UI features makes it even easier to find and spot suspicious behaviors, such as email and phone number changes, which can be indicators of account takeovers or mule accounts