
Improved filtering of event metadata in the Explore view

During investigations, it is common to compare users' behavior over time. Our recent update makes it much easier to compare users based on event metadata, such as login authentication methods or email changes in profile updates.


Exposing the e-mail address behind Email Intelligence checks

Even small improvements can tremendously help you in your investigations. Adding the E-mail Value in the Event details pane is one such example. This new field represents the email address used for all Email Intelligence checks, such as identifying disposable or unreachable addresses and checking domain registration or update dates.


Introducing the "Open in Explore" button in Quick view for improved investigations

We are excited to introduce a new enhancement to our investigation tools: the ability to open the Quickview in a new Explore view tab!


Investigate rare events with the new "Other" group filter

The charts available in the Explore view are great for highlighting common user actions and behaviors. However, it has been more challenging to explore rarer events — until now.


Better Account Security with new Change Tracking attributes

Ensuring the security of user accounts is a challenging task. To reduce the risk of account takeovers, we have now exposed the status of account changes for email, password, name, and phone attributes.


Fuzzy search in Event Details Pane

Today, we're happy to announce an improvement that supports the investigation of more nuanced cases. We have introduced a feature that allows the filtering out of visible fields in the Event Details pane, enabling a focus on the most relevant attributes.


Email Intelligence: Monitor Domain Registration Dates

Multiple customers have requested a way to check if a user is using an email from a newly registered domain. With recent enhancements in the domain area of Email Intelligence, we have managed to expose new fields to make it possible:


Enhanced Email Intelligence: Introducing SPF and DMARC Authentication Checks

At Castle, we strive to provide and enhance tools that are useful for maintaining your app's security. To improve our Email Intelligence, we now run checks on new properties that are often configured on trusted domains:


Sum custom values in the Explore view

This week, we introduced an improvement to the investigation workflows: the ability to sum numeric values of a custom property or metric recorded on events in the Explore view.


Notifications on private Slack channels

We are excited to announce a new enhancement to our Slack integration: the ability to send notifications to private channels. This update ensures that notifications are sent only to members of channels specifically created for receiving security alerts.