
Custom address fingerprint

Castle supports tracking address information, both on the user and transaction object in the API payload. You're able to send all the common fields like street address, city, region and postal code. When sending this information, Castle computes a fingerprint by normalizing the address information and creating a hash. This makes it super easy to find e.g. multiple users on the same address, or when using the same shipping address for multiple payment methods. Today we're introducing a change in the API which allows you to send your own address fingerprint if you prefer a custom one over the one that Castle computes automatically.

Simply pass the fingerprint field in any of the available address objects in the API, and it will show up and be usable in the Castle Dashboard. For example by creating a group tab based on the fingerprint, in order to find the ones with multiple accounts attached to them.

A custom address fingerprint can be sent in any of the available address objects

A custom address fingerprint can be sent in any of the available address objects