
Introducing Bot Score

Up until now, Castle has provided a general Risk Score designed to make it easy to find and stop all sorts of fraud or abuse. Under the hood, this risk score is actually the combination of several independent risk factors. One of these risk factors is the likelihood that the request is initiated from a bot or script.

Today, as the first of a couple upcoming score releases, we're launching a separate Bot Score for you to search and create policies with more granularity, and exclude other risk factors such as multi-accounting which might also influence the general Castle Score. In addition to the use-case of denying attempts when the Bot Score is above 90, a complementary use-case is to conditionally trigger a CAPTCHA, which you can learn how to implement in this guide.

If you've previously been using the Bot Behavior signal to deny requests, we recommend that you switch over to instead deny on Bot Score over 90.

Additionally, we've renamed the Risk field to Castle Score to better fit the new multi-score approach (and yes, there'll be more of them soon!)


Filter events and users based on the new Bot Score

The Bot Score is also available as a new column in the Events table


You can easily toggle the Bot Score column on and off in the Explore view