
Improved time selector

The time selector is a central concept in the Castle Dashboard, available both in the Explore view and in the User profile view. Today, we're launching a big improvement to the time selector component that allows you to navigate your data even faster.

Improved time selector across the Castle dashboard

Improved time selector across the Castle dashboard

Once you click the time selector in the upper right corner, it'll expand to a copy/paste friendly input field, displaying the full time span while allowing you to enter a custom values down to minute precision. Additionally, you can now see more options in the drop-down menu, including a calendar to quickly select custom date ranges. The input field accepts both relative shortcut ranges like 2h or 8d and full ranges like 2022-10-10T12:34 - 2022-10-17T23:45, where from and to are separated by a dash.

Check out the documentation for the full list of options