Enforcing Two-Factor Auth

As an admin, you can require all members of your Org to set up 2FA

Setting up Required 2FA

Navigate to your Team settings page via the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the dashboard. You must be an Org Admin to perform this action.


On the right side of the page, under the "Require Two-Factor Authentication" section, click the 'Enable' button.


On the pop-up modal that appears, select the "Confirm" option.


How your Castle org's admins and users will be impacted by setting up Required 2FA

Once you have clicked 'Confirm' to set up required 2FA for your Castle Org, any admins or users who have already set up 2FA in their individual account settings will be prompted for 2FA every time they log in to the Castle Dashboard.

Any admins or users who have not yet set up 2FA in their individual account settings will be prompted to set up 2FA the next time they log in to the Castle Dashboard.

Any admins or users who you invite to join your Castle org after you've set up required MFA for your org will be required to set up 2FA during the account creation process.

Instructions on how to set up 2FA within your account settings can be found here.

2FA Verification for Team Admins

Team administrators can check which team members have enabled 2FA on their account by looking at the Team page in the dashboard.