Managing Team Members

As an Admin, you can invite new users to join your team. By doing so, they will receive an email from Castle asking them to complete their signup. Once complete, when they log into the Castle Dashboard, they will be accessing the same organization as you. This means they will have access to all environments created within the organization.

To invite a new user, visit the Team settings page from the top right corner of the dashboard:

Click the 'Team' button to invite or manage dashboard users

Click the 'Team' button to invite or manage dashboard users

Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the user you wish to invite.


Use this form to invite additional members to the Castle Dashboard for your organization


You can select if you want this user to be added as an “Admin” or “User” role. While the "Admin" role have full access across the Castle Dashboard, the "User" role has the following restrictions:

  • The “User” role can not access environment settings (such as API Keys), account settings, billing settings, or team settings pages.
  • The "User" role can add and remove items from Lists but they cannot add or remove the Lists themselves.
  • The "User" role does not have access to the Policies page, which means that they can not create or manage Policies.
  • The "User" role can access saved views, but cannot edit them


In some cases, the user may have already created a personal account with their email address, prohibiting you from inviting them. In this case, please contact Castle support to assist with migrating their account over to your team: [email protected].