Integration guide

Get started with Castle, integrate your app and block bots and bad behavior right away!

This guide will help you integrate Castle with your app. In general, with Castle you can:

  • Block bots at registration and login while lowering friction for legitimate users.
  • Block Account Takeover (ATO) attempts.
  • Block multi accounting.
  • Block signups with spam emails.
  • Block account sharing.

What you will accomplish with this guide

The goal of this guide is to help you correctly integrate with Castle to achieve your security goals. The integration will touch registration and login flows in your app, so that bots and malicious users will be caught in the earliest possible moment.

You will also learn about basic Castle concepts:

Before you start

Integrating Castle with your app consists of a few steps, but before you start make sure you have:


Your app is a "frontend" and a "backend"

In this guide you can see terms "frontend" and "backend" that describe the two parts of your app:

  1. "frontend" is the user-facing part, for example: a React or a Vue app, an iOS or an Android app, or just a regular view from your framework of choice,
  2. "backend" is the API, for example: a controller in your framework of choice, or a data API you use to power your mobile app.

To fully complete this quickstart guide you need to integrate both: the frontend and the backend. It is the best to have both running locally on your machine, but you can also split the work between two teams that take care of those parts of your business.

How the integration works

Let's start with an example: the new user registration.

  1. The visitor opens a registration form, types in preferred username, a password, and submits the form.
  2. The backend checks for existence of the account using provided username. If it doesn't exist, the account is created using submitted password.
  3. The visitor gets the information to check their email for confirmation.

So how do you integrate Castle in this situation? Let's enhance our previous flow with asking Castle for a recommended action:

  1. The visitor opens a registration form, types in preferred username, a password, and submits the form along with an anonymous device fingerprint.
  2. The backend calls Castle's API to get a recommended action what to do with this request - allow, challenge or deny it. If you should allow it the backend checks for existence of the account using provided username. If it doesn't exist, the account is created using submitted password.
  3. The visitor gets the information to check their email for confirmation, or that the request cannot be processed.

Here is a flow diagram, where additional Castle integration is highlighted in blue:

Account creation flow. In blue - Castle integration

Account creation flow. In blue - Castle integration

Now, that you know the basics, let's go and integrate Castle with your app!


Recommended actions come from your policies

The recommended action mentioned in the flow above is completely in your hands - it comes from policies you will set up for your account.

Don't worry though: you will learn how to set it up as you go through the integration process.

Let's integrate! 🚀

The integration consists of 8 steps that will walk you through the whole process with code samples and app screenshots.


Hint: create a feature flag

As with all new features, it's a great idea to create a feature flag when you start integrating Castle into your app. We recommend that you create it, so you are able to gradually roll-out the change.

Step 1: Get your API keys

  1. Go to the Castle Dashboard.

  2. Click the cog icon in the bottom left corner (near your name) and select Current environment:

    Current environment in user settings dropdown

    Current environment in user settings dropdown

  3. You'll find your Publishable API Key and API Secret there:

Publishable Key and API Secret

Publishable API Key and API Secret in Current environment view

Step 2: Integrate frontend SDK


Do you want to integrate a mobile app?

This guide covers using the Browser SDK. If you are interested in integrating your mobile app please take a look at Mobile SDKs page for integration instructions and come back for the backend integration step.

2.1: Install the SDK

npm install --save @castleio/castle-js
yarn add @castleio/castle-js

2.2: Configure it

import Castle from '@castleio/castle-js'

const castle = Castle.configure({ pk: '<YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_API_KEY>' });


Initialize the SDK everywhere, as early as possible

The browser SDK should be initialized immediately at page load, and we recommend that you put it on all your pages. Thanks to that enough behavioral metrics can be collected - they improve accuracy, especially for bot detection.

Step 3: Integrate backend SDK

3.1: Install the SDK

gem install 'castle-rb'
php composer.phar require "castle/castle-php:master"
npm install --save @castleio/sdk
pip install castle

3.2: Configure it

  1. Export your API Secret in CASTLE_API_SECRET environment variable.
  2. Configure the SDK:
# config/castle.rb
require 'castle'

Castle.configure do |config|
  config.api_secret = ENV.fetch('CASTLE_API_SECRET')
// config/castle.js
import { Castle } from '@castleio/sdk';

export const castle = new Castle({ apiSecret: process.env.CASTLE_API_SECRET });
import os
from castle.configuration import configuration

configuration.api_secret = os.environ["CASTLE_API_SECRET"]
// We look for the secret in the CASTLE_API_SECRET environment variable by default
Castle castle = Castle.initialize();


Server SDKs configuration options

Here's a list of all supported server SDKs along with their configuration options: Server SDKs

Step 4: Handle the registration flow

Now comes an actual integration of a real flow in your app: the registration.

4.1: Update your registration form

  1. Add a hidden field that will store a request token:
<form id="registration-form" action="/register" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="castle_request_token" id="castle-request-token" />
  <!-- Your other fields like username and password -->


What is a request token?

The request token that is generated by Castle's frontend SDK is an anonymous device fingerprint used to properly understand your users' behaviors. The token also contains required meta-data that allow you to understand and block bad behavior.

  1. Intercept the submit event and generate the request token:
const form = document.getElementById('registration-form');
const castleField = document.getElementById('castle-request-token');

form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
  castle.createRequestToken().then(function (token) {
    castleField.value = token;

  return false;


Request token value has to be generated for each request to your backend

Each request token expires after 120 seconds and should only be used during a single request to your backend. The @castleio/castle-js library continuously monitors behavior of the user, thus the data need to be refreshed every time you call your backend to get the most accurate predictions.

4.2: Call Castle Filter API in the backend

Before you proceed with creating an account or even checking for its existence you need to call Castle's Filter API to process the request and receive a recommended action to perform:

# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'config/castle.rb'

castle =

post '/register' do
    result = castle.filter(
      request_token: request.params['castle_request_token'],
      type: '$registration',
      status: '$attempted',
      params: {
        email: request.params['email'], # This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
    # Handle "deny" actions
    if result[:policy][:action] == 'deny'
      return [400, 'Cannot create an account right now, please try again later']
  rescue ::Castle::InvalidRequestTokenError
    # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
    return [400, 'Cannot create an account right now, please try again later']
  rescue ::Castle::Error => e
    # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
  # Your code: check for existence and create user profile
  user = create_user(request)
  return [200, 'Welcome to the app! You can log in now.']
// Example uses Symfony 5.4 or newer and PHP 8 or newer
// src/Controller/RegistrationController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class RegistrationController
  #[Route('/register', name: 'register', method: 'POST')]
  public function register(Request $request): Response
    try {
      $result = \Castle::filter([
        'request_token' => $request->get('castle_request_token'),
        'context' => \Castle_RequestContext::extract(),
        'type' => '$registration',
        'status' => '$attempted',
        'params' => [
          'email' => $request->get('email'), # This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
      if ($result->policy['action'] == 'deny') {
        // Handle "deny" actions
        throw new BadRequestHttpException('Cannot create an account right now, please try again later');
    } catch(\Castle_InvalidRequestTokenError) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      throw new BadRequestHttpException('Cannot create an account right now, please try again later');
    } catch(\Castle_Error) {
      // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
    // Your code: check for existence and create user profile
    $user = $this->createUser($request);
    return new Response('Welcome to the app! You can log in now.');
// Express.js
import { APIError, ContextPrepareService, InvalidRequestTokenError } from '@castleio/sdk';
import { castle } from 'config/castle.js';'/register', (req, res) => {
  try {
    const result = castle.filter({
      request_token: req.body['castle_request_token'],
      context:, {}, castle.configuration),
      type: '$registration',
      status: '$attempted',
      params: {
        email: req.body["email"], // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy 

    // Handle "deny" actions
    if (result.policy.action === 'deny') {
      res.status(400).send('Cannot create an account right now, please try again later');
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof InvalidRequestTokenError) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      res.status(400).send('Cannot create an account right now, please try again later');
    } else if (e instanceof APIError) {
       // Allow attempt. Data missing or invalid, or a server or timeout error
  const user = create_user(req);
  res.send('Welcome to the app! You can log in now.');
# Flask 3.0
from flask import request, make_response
from castle import CastleError, Client, ContextPrepare, InvalidRequestTokenError

castle_client = Client()
@app.route('/register', methods=['POST'])
def register():
    result = castle_client.filter({
      'request_token': request.form['castle_request_token'],
      'type': '$registration',
      'status': '$attempted',
      'params': {
        'email': request.form['email'] # This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy

    if result.policy.action == 'deny':
      return 'Cannot create an account right now, please try again later', 400
  except InvalidRequestTokenError:
    # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
    return 'Cannot create an account right now, please try again later', 400
  except CastleError as e:
    # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
  # Your code: check for existence and create user profile
  user = create_user(request)
  return 'Welcome to the app! You can log in now.'

import io.castle.client.Castle;
import io.castle.client.internal.utils.CastleContextBuilder;
import io.castle.client.model.CastleApiInvalidRequestTokenException;
import io.castle.client.model.CastleResponse;
import io.castle.client.model.CastleRuntimeException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;

public class UserDto {
    private String password;
    private String email;

public class AppController {
  private Castle castle;
  AppController() {
    this.castle = Castle.initialize();
  public ResponseEntity<String> register(HttpServletRequest request, @Valid UserDto user) {
    try {
      CastleContextBuilder context = this.castle.contextBuilder().fromHttpServletRequest(request);
      CastleResponse result = this.castle.client().filter(
          .put(Castle.KEY_REQUEST_TOKEN, request.getParameter("castle_request_token"))
              .put(Castle.KEY_IP, context.getIp())
              .put(Castle.KEY_HEADERS, context.getHeaders())
          .put("type", "$registration")
          .put("status", "$attempted")
              // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
              .put("email", request.getParameter("email"))
      if ("deny".equals(result.json().getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("policy").get("action").getAsString())) {
        return new ResponseEntity<String>(
          "Cannot create an account right now, please try again later",
    } catch (CastleApiInvalidRequestTokenException requestTokenException) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      return new ResponseEntity<String>(
        "Cannot create an account right now, please try again later",
    } catch (CastleRuntimeException runtimeException) {
      // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error

    // Your code: check for existence and create user profile
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(
      "Welcome to the app! You can log in now.",


The Filter API

The Filter API is meant for checking the behavior of anonymous users when they act in your app. For example: they attempt a registration, they try to log in, or send a contact form message to you.

On every call to the Filter API Castle does a full behavioral check: inspect signals, calculate custom metrics and run your policies to return you a recommended action along with the scores for account abuse, account takeover, and bot detection.

Step 5: Create a policy for registration

By default all calls to Castle API's returns an "allow" action to avoid any disruptions to your business. To start blocking bots you need to create a policy that will return a deny action:

  1. Go to the Castle Dashboard, open Policies page, and click Create new policy button:

    Policies view

    Policies view

  2. Fill in the policy details:

    New policy against bots

    New policy against bots registering new accounts


Recommended bot score

As an initial policy we recommend using 90+ bot score as a good balance to block bots, but allow legitimate users create an account. You can easily tweak it later as you see real behavior in your dashboard.


Risk scoring

Castle uses machine learning models to calculate risk scores as measures of how likely a user action will result in abuse. Castle's APIs return a numerical risk score between 0.0 and 1.0, represented as 0–100 in the dashboard. Low-risk events are scored at or near zero, and high-risk events are scored at or near one.

Castle calculates risk scores for three types of abuse, designed to cover most fraud and abuse problems when used in combination with business-specific policies:

  • Account Abuse Score - is the probability of a user trying to abuse your service, for example: fake accounts, multi-accounting, or account sharing.
  • Account Takeover Score - the risk that an account is accessed through stolen credentials, for example: through human account takeovers or automated credential stuffing attacks.
  • Bot Score - a request performed by an automated script in order to spam or consume resources.

You can learn more about risk scoring in the Risk scoring docs page.


Learn more about policies

Check out Castle's policies guide to learn more how you can leverage policies, for example:

Step 6: Handle the login flow

Let's handle another important flow in your app: the login process.

6.1: Update your login form

  1. Add a hidden field that will store a request token:
<form id="login-form" action="/login" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="castle_request_token" id="castle-request-token" />
  <!-- Your other fields like username and password -->
  1. Intercept the submit event and generate the request token:
const form = document.getElementById('login-form');
const castleField = document.getElementById('castle-request-token');

form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
  castle.createRequestToken().then(function (token) {
    castleField.value = token;

  return false;


Generating request tokens

As you see, generating request tokens is the same for both register and login actions. You can reuse the same pattern in other forms and actions you want to secure, for example when you are protecting transactions.

6.2: Call Castle's Risk API upon successful login

# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'config/castle.rb'

castle =

post '/login' do
  # Your code: check for existence and login the user
  user = login_user(request)
  # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    result = castle.risk(
      request_token: request.params['castle_request_token'],
      type: '$login',
      status: '$succeeded',
      user: {
    # Handle "deny" responses
    if result[:policy][:action] == 'deny'
      return [400, 'Invalid username and/or password']
  rescue ::Castle::InvalidRequestTokenError
    # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
    return [400, 'Invalid username and/or password']
  rescue ::Castle::Error => e
    # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
  return [200, { 'Set-Cookie': user.cookie }, 'Welcome to the app!']
// Example uses Symfony 5.4 or newer and PHP 8 or newer
// src/Controller/LoginController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class LoginController
  #[Route('/login', name: 'login', method: 'POST')]
  public function login(Request $request): Response
    $user = $this->login($request);
    // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    try {
      $result = \Castle::risk([
        'request_token' => $request->get('castle_request_token'),
        'context' => \Castle_RequestContext::extract(),
        'type' => '$login',
        'status' => '$succeeded',
        'user' => [
          'id' => $user->id->toString(),
      if ($result->policy['action'] == 'deny') {
        // Handle "deny" actions
        throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid username and/or password');
    } catch(\Castle_InvalidRequestTokenError) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid username and/or password');
    } catch(\Castle_Error) {
      // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
    // Continue logging in the user
    $response = new Response();
    $response->headers->set('Set-Cookie', $user->cookie);
    return $respone;
// Express.js
import { APIError, ContextPrepareService, InvalidRequestTokenError } from '@castleio/sdk';
import { castle } from 'config/castle.js';'/login', (req, res) => {
  // Your code: check for existence and login the user
  const user = login_user(req);
  // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
  try {
    const result = castle.risk({
      request_token: req.body['castle_request_token'],
      context:, {}, castle.configuration),
      type: '$login',
      status: '$succeeded',
      user: {

    // Handle "deny" actions
    if (result.policy.action === 'deny') {
      res.status(400).send('Invalid username and/or password');
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof InvalidRequestTokenError) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      res.status(400).send('Invalid username and/or password');
    } else if (e instanceof APIError) {
       // Allow attempt. Data missing or invalid, or a server or timeout error
# Flask 3.0
from flask import request, make_response
from castle import CastleError, Client, ContextPrepare, InvalidRequestTokenError

castle_client = Client()
@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
  # Your code: check for existence and login the user
  user = login_user(request)
  # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    result = castle_client.risk({
      'request_token': request.form['castle_request_token'],
      'type': '$login',
      'status': '$succeeded',
      'user': {
        'id': str(

    if result.policy.action == 'deny':
      return 'Invalid username and/or password', 400
  except InvalidRequestTokenError:
    # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
    return 'Invalid username and/or password', 400
  except CastleError as e:
    # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
  # Proceed with setting the cookie and persisting user session
  response = make_response()
  response.set_cookie('session', user.cookie)
  return response

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
// ... existing imports and UserDTO clipped for brevity ...

public class AppController {
  private Castle castle;
  // ... registration method clipped for brevity ...
  public ResponseEntity<String> login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Valid UserDto user) {
    // Your code: check for existence and login the user
    User userEntity = this.loginUser(user);
    // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    try {
      CastleContextBuilder context = this.castle.contextBuilder().fromHttpServletRequest(request);
      CastleResponse result = this.castle.client().risk(
          .put(Castle.KEY_REQUEST_TOKEN, request.getParameter("castle_request_token"))
              .put(Castle.KEY_IP, context.getIp())
              .put(Castle.KEY_HEADERS, context.getHeaders())
          .put("type", "$login")
          .put("status", "$succeeded")
              // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
              .put("id", userEntity.getId().toString())
      // Handle "deny" responses
      if ("deny".equals(result.json().getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("policy").get("action").getAsString())) {
        return new ResponseEntity<String>(
          "Invalid username and/or password",
    } catch (CastleApiInvalidRequestTokenException requestTokenException) {
      // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      return new ResponseEntity<String>(
        "Invalid username and/or password",
    } catch (CastleRuntimeException runtimeException) {
      // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error

    // Your code: Set the cookie and return user session
    return new ResponseEntity<String>("", HttpStatus.OK);


The Risk API

The Risk API is meant for checking an authenticated user's activity. For example: they logged in successfully (as in this guide), they updated their profile, or they act on your business action.

The biggest difference between the Risk API and the Filter API is the former is used for checking a user that has successfully logged in (so you measure risk of their actions in your app), whereas the latter is used to check visitors, before they log in (so you filter out abusive behavior).

6.3: Call Castle's Filter API upon failed login

# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'config/castle.rb'

castle =

post '/login' do
  # Your code: check for existence and login the user
  user = login_user(request)
  # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    # ... clipped for brevity ...
  return [200, { 'Set-Cookie': user.cookie }, 'Welcome to the app!']
rescue InvalidPasswordError
  # Invalid login: call Castle Filter API to help prevent Account Takeover
      request_token: request.params['castle_request_token'],
      type: '$login',
      status: '$failed',
      params: {
        email: request.params['email'], # This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
  rescue ::Castle::Error
    # Catch all Castle errors here: the user used invalid password, so block them anyway
  return [400, 'Invalid username and/or password']
// src/Controller/LoginController.php
class LoginController
  #[Route('/login', name: 'login', method: 'POST')]
  public function login(Request $request): Response
    try {
      $user = $this->login($request);
      // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      try {
        // ... clipped for brevity...

      // Continue logging in the user
      $response = new Response();
      $response->headers->set('Set-Cookie', $user->cookie);

      return $respone;
    } catch(InvalidPasswordException) {
      // Invalid login: call Castle Filter API to help prevent Account Takeover
      try {
          'request_token' => $request->get('castle_request_token'),
          'context' => \Castle_RequestContext::extract(),
          'type' => '$login',
          'status' => '$failed',
          'params' => [
            'email' => $request->get('email'), // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
      } catch(\Castle_Error) {
        // Catch all Castle errors here: the user used invalid password, so block them anyway
      throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid username and/or password');
// Express.js
import { APIError, ContextPrepareService, InvalidRequestTokenError } from '@castleio/sdk';
import { castle } from 'config/castle.js';'/login', (req, res) => {
  try {
    // Your code: check for existence and login the user
  	const user = login_user(req);

    // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
  	try {
      // ... clipped for brevity ...
  } catch(e) {
    if (e typeof InvalidPasswordError) {
      // Invalid login: call Castle Filter API to help prevent Account Takeover
      try {
          request_token: req.body['castle_request_token'],
          context:, {}, castle.configuration),
          type: '$login',
          status: '$failed',
          params: {
            email: req.body["email"], // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy 
      } catch(e) {
        // Catch all Castle errors here: the user used invalid password, so block them anyway
      res.status(400).send('Invalid username and/or password');
# Flask 3.0
from flask import request, make_response
from castle import CastleError, Client, ContextPrepare, InvalidRequestTokenError

castle_client = Client()
@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
    # Your code: check for existence and login the user
    user = login_user(request)
    # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      # ... clipped for brevity ...
    # Proceed with setting the cookie and persisting user session
    response = make_response()
    response.set_cookie('session', user.cookie)
    return response
  except InvalidPasswordError:
    # Invalid login: call Castle Filter API to help prevent Account Takeover
        'request_token': request.form['castle_request_token'],
        'type': '$login',
        'status': '$failed',
        'params': {
          'email': request.form['email'] # This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
    except CastleError as e:
      # Catch all Castle errors here: the user used invalid password, so block them anyway
    return 'Invalid username and/or password', 400

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
// ... existing imports and UserDTO clipped for brevity ...

public class AppController {
  private Castle castle;
  // ... registration method clipped for brevity ...
  public ResponseEntity<String> login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Valid UserDto user) {
    try {
      // Your code: check for existence and login the user
      User userEntity = this.loginUser(user);
      // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      try {
        // ... clipped for brevity ...

      // Your code: Set the cookie and return user session
      return new ResponseEntity<String>('', HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch(InvalidPasswordException e) {
      // Invalid login: call Castle Filter API to help prevent Account Takeover
      try {
        CastleContextBuilder context = this.castle.contextBuilder().fromHttpServletRequest(request);
        CastleResponse result = this.castle.client().filter(
            .put(Castle.KEY_REQUEST_TOKEN, request.getParameter("castle_request_token"))
                .put(Castle.KEY_IP, context.getIp())
                .put(Castle.KEY_HEADERS, context.getHeaders())
            .put("type", "$login")
            .put("status", "$failed")
                // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
                .put("email", request.getParameter("email"))
      } catch(CastleRuntimeException exception) {
        // Catch all Castle errors here: the user used invalid password, so block them anyway
      return new ResponseEntity<String>(
        "Invalid username and/or password",


Making multiple calls to Castle APIs

You should reuse the request token for multiple calls to Castle APIs within a single call to your backend. It must represent a single action in your app though.

For example: call Filter API with $login $attempted to get initial scoring (to filter out abusive IPs from even trying to log in), then call Risk API with $login $succeeded (to assess risk of account takeover) using the same request token.

Step 7: Create a policy for logging in

7.1: Block bots logging in

  1. Go to the policies page in Castle's Dashboard and click Create new policy button.

  2. Fill in the policy details:

    New policy against bots logging in

    New policy against bots logging in

7.2: Challenge suspicious users (optional)


When to challenge your users?

Asking users to prove they have legitimate interest in your business is, well, challenging. Sometimes their behavior on your page look very similar to bots (they try to imitate human behavior as much as they can). As a result Castle returns a higher risk score for bots, where a good option might be to present an additional challenge to the user, for example: a 2FA requirement, or an email sent with verification code.

  1. Handle the challenge response in your backend:
# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'config/castle.rb'

castle =

post '/login' do
  # Your code: check for existence and login the user
  user = login_user(request)
  # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
    result = castle.risk(
      request_token: request.params['castle_request_token'],
      type: '$login',
      status: '$succeeded',
      user: {
    # Handle "deny" responses
    if result[:policy][:action] == 'deny'
      return [400, 'Invalid username and/or password']
    # Handle "challenge" responses
    elsif result[:policy][:action] == 'challenge'
      # Tell your frontend to handle a challenge before you actually log in the user
      return [200, 'challenge']
  rescue ::Castle::InvalidRequestTokenError
    # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
    return [400, 'Invalid username and/or password']
  rescue ::Castle::Error => e
    # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
  return [200, { 'Set-Cookie': user.cookie }, 'Welcome to the app!']
rescue InvalidPasswordError
  # ... clipped for brevity ...
// Example uses Symfony 5.4 or newer and PHP 8 or newer
// src/Controller/LoginController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class LoginController
  #[Route('/login', name: 'login', method: 'POST')]
  public function login(Request $request): Response
    try {
      $user = $this->login($request);

      // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      try {
        $result = \Castle::risk([
          'request_token' => $request->get('castle_request_token'),
          'context' => \Castle_RequestContext::extract(),
          'type' => '$login',
          'status' => '$succeeded',
          'user' => [
            'id' => $user->id->toString(),

        if ($result->policy['action'] == 'deny') {
          // Handle "deny" actions
          throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid username and/or password');
        } else if ($result->policy['action'] == 'challenge') {
          // Handle "challenge" actions
          return new Response('challenge');
      } catch(\Castle_InvalidRequestTokenError) {
        // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
        throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid username and/or password');
      } catch(\Castle_Error) {
        // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error

      // Continue logging in the user
      $response = new Response();
      $response->headers->set('Set-Cookie', $user->cookie);

      return $respone;
    } catch(InvalidPasswordException) {
      // ... clipped for brevity...
// Express.js
import { APIError, ContextPrepareService, InvalidRequestTokenError } from '@castleio/sdk';
import { castle } from 'config/castle.js';'/login', (req, res) => {
  try {
    // Your code: check for existence and login the user
    const user = login_user(req);
    try {
      const result = castle.risk({
        request_token: req.body['castle_request_token'],
        context:, {}, castle.configuration),
        type: '$login',
        status: '$succeeded',
        user: {

      // Handle "deny" actions
      if (result.policy.action === 'deny') {
        res.status(400).send('Invalid username and/or password');
      // Handle "challenge" actions
      if (result.policy.action === 'challenge') {
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof InvalidRequestTokenError) {
        // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
        res.status(400).send('Invalid username and/or password');
      } else if (e instanceof APIError) {
         // Allow attempt. Data missing or invalid, or a server or timeout error
  } catch(e) {
    if (e typeof InvalidPasswordException) {
      // ... clipped for brevity ...
# Flask 3.0
from flask import request, make_response
from castle import CastleError, Client, ContextPrepare, InvalidRequestTokenError

castle_client = Client()
@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
    # Your code: check for existence and login the user
    user = login_user(request)
    # Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      result = castle_client.risk({
        'request_token': request.form['castle_request_token'],
        'type': '$login',
        'status': '$succeeded',
        'user': {
          'id': str(

      if result.policy.action == 'deny':
        return 'Invalid username and/or password', 400
      if result.policy.action == 'challenge':
        return 'challenge'
    except InvalidRequestTokenError:
      # Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
      return 'Invalid username and/or password', 400
    except CastleError as e:
      # Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error
    # Proceed with setting the cookie and persisting user session
    response = make_response()
    response.set_cookie('session', user.cookie)
    return response
  except InvalidPasswordError:
    # ... clipped for brevity ...

// ... existing imports and UserDTO clipped for brevity ...

public class AppController {
  private Castle castle;
  // ... registration method clipped for brevity ...
  public ResponseEntity<String> login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Valid UserDto user) {
    try {
      // Your code: check for existence and login the user
      User userEntity = this.loginUser(user);
      // Successful login: Castle Risk API call
      try {
        CastleContextBuilder context = this.castle.contextBuilder().fromHttpServletRequest(request);
        CastleResponse result = this.castle.client().risk(
            .put(Castle.KEY_REQUEST_TOKEN, request.getParameter("castle_request_token"))
                .put(Castle.KEY_IP, context.getIp())
                .put(Castle.KEY_HEADERS, context.getHeaders())
            .put("type", "$login")
            .put("status", "$succeeded")
                // This is optional, but will highly improve accuracy
                .put("id", userEntity.getId().toString())
        // Handle "deny" responses
        if ("deny".equals(result.json().getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("policy").get("action").getAsString())) {
          return new ResponseEntity<String>(
            "Invalid username and/or password",
        // Handle "challenge" responses
        if ("challenge".equals(result.json().getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("policy").get("action").getAsString())) {
          return new ResponseEntity<String>(
      } catch (CastleApiInvalidRequestTokenException requestTokenException) {
        // Invalid request token is very likely a bad actor bypassing fingerprinting
        return new ResponseEntity<String>(
          "Invalid username and/or password",
      } catch (CastleRuntimeException runtimeException) {
        // Allow the attempt - most likely a server or timeout error

      // Your code: Set the cookie and return user session
      return new ResponseEntity<String>('', HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch(InvalidPasswordException e {
      // ... clipped for brevity ...
  1. Update handling of your login requests and challenge the user:
const form = document.getElementById('login-form');

// Call /login handler asynchronously using Fetch API
form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
  const data = new FormData(event.currentTarget);
  const submit = async () => {
    const token = await castle.createRequestToken();
    data.set('castle_request_token', token);
    const response = await fetch(form.getAttr('action'), {
      method: form.getAttr('method'),
      body: data,
    const result = await response.text();
    if (result === 'challenge') {
      // A simplified challenge as an example, do NOT use in production
      if (!confirm('Are you a bot?')) {
        // The challenge succeeded
        data.set('challenge', 'true');
      alert('You are denied the access');
    alert('You are logged in!');
  return false;
  1. Go to the policies page in Castle's Dashboard and click Create new policy button.
  2. Fill in the policy details:
New policy challenging suspicious users

New policy challenging suspicious users


What is a good challenge?

It is important to properly design your challenges: they should be easy for a human, but hard for bots. How can you achieve such balance? It is best to tap into different accounts a user might have, for example:

  • Send a code to their email address (assuming their email account hasn't been breached),
  • Ask for a phone number and send an SMS code (in most countries a number is registered to a real person),
  • Ask to confirm logging in with an additional social account login.

We recommend thinking on a challenge that is very natural for your customers, but is hard to do for an automated attack you want to prevent.

Step 8: Test, then activate your policies

As you went through the whole integration process you might have noticed that policies you created are disabled by default. It is a deliberate behavior as it allows you to integrate your app with Castle, but keep learning as the first phase.

After a few days you should open the Dashboard and check how the policies you defined would have acted on your customers. The easiest way to do this is:

  1. Open the policies page in Castle's Dashboard.

  2. Click a search icon near the policy you are interested in:

    Policies view with disabled policies

    Policies view with disabled policies

  3. Check events and users that you sent to Castle that would have been blocked or challenged (depending on the policy action you selected):

    Policy events view

    Policy events view

  4. When you feel that your policies are good - enable them:

    Policies view with enabled and disabled items in the list

    Policies view with enabled and disabled items in the list

  5. You might start seeing "Deny" responses in your Explore view:


Congratulations! Your app is now properly integrated with Castle and you might see login and registration events in the Castle Dashboard 🎉

With the integration ready you should roll-out the change and adjust the policies based on real data that is visible in the dashboard. If you are wondering how the roll-out will affect your app you can check:

On top of that:

  • Your legitimate users will get a superior experience.
  • You will challenge or block suspicious behavior.
  • You can block Account Takeovers.
  • You can also update your policies without changing your app.


Learn how to explore data

We really recommend you to learn about Castle Dashboard - this will help you understand users' behavior. In turn you will be able to adjust your policies to achieve a balance between account and platform security, and user friction.

Read our Exploring data guide to learn more!

What’s Next

With this integration you are ready to take on more advanced use cases like detecting account sharing or challenging users logging in from new devices or locations. You can also learn how to explore your data to achieve the best results with our dashboard.